/* Copyright (C) 2011 The University of Michigan This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Please send inquiries to powertutor@umich.edu */ package vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.phone; import vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.components.Audio.AudioData; import vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.components.CPU.CpuData; import vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.components.GPS; import vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.components.GPS.GpsData; import vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.components.LCD.LcdData; import vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.components.OLED.OledData; import vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.components.Sensors; import vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.components.Sensors.SensorData; import vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.components.Threeg; import vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.components.Threeg.ThreegData; import vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.components.Wifi; import vn.cybersoft.obs.andriod.batterystats2.components.Wifi.WifiData; import android.content.Context; public class DreamPowerCalculator implements PhonePowerCalculator { protected PhoneConstants coeffs; public DreamPowerCalculator(Context context) { this(new DreamConstants(context)); } protected DreamPowerCalculator(PhoneConstants coeffs) { this.coeffs = coeffs; } public double getLcdPower(LcdData data) { return data.screenOn ? coeffs.lcdBrightness() * data.brightness + coeffs.lcdBacklight() : 0; } public double getOledPower(OledData data) { throw new RuntimeException("getOledPower() should not be called for Dream"); } public double getCpuPower(CpuData data) { /* Find the two nearest cpu frequency and linearly interpolate * the power ratio for that frequency. */ double[] powerRatios = coeffs.cpuPowerRatios(); double[] freqs = coeffs.cpuFreqs(); double ratio; if(powerRatios.length == 1) { ratio = powerRatios[0]; } else { double sfreq = data.freq; if(sfreq < freqs[0]) sfreq = freqs[0]; if(sfreq > freqs[freqs.length - 1]) sfreq = freqs[freqs.length - 1]; int ind = upperBound(freqs, sfreq); if(ind == 0) ind++; if(ind == freqs.length) ind--; ratio = powerRatios[ind - 1] + (powerRatios[ind] - powerRatios[ind - 1]) / (freqs[ind] - freqs[ind - 1]) * (sfreq - freqs[ind - 1]); } return Math.max(0, ratio * (data.usrPerc + data.sysPerc)); } public double getAudioPower(AudioData data) { return data.musicOn ? coeffs.audioPower() : 0; } public double getGpsPower(GpsData data) { double result = 0; double statePower[] = coeffs.gpsStatePower(); for(int i = 0; i < GPS.POWER_STATES; i++) { result += data.stateTimes[i] * statePower[i]; } return result; } public double getWifiPower(WifiData data) { if(!data.wifiOn) { return 0; } else if(data.powerState == Wifi.POWER_STATE_LOW) { return coeffs.wifiLowPower(); } else if(data.powerState == Wifi.POWER_STATE_HIGH) { double[] linkSpeeds = coeffs.wifiLinkSpeeds(); double[] linkRatios = coeffs.wifiLinkRatios(); double ratio; if(linkSpeeds.length == 1) { /* If there is only one set speed we have to use its ratio as we have * nothing else to go on. */ ratio = linkRatios[0]; } else { /* Find the two nearest speed/ratio pairs and linearly interpolate * the ratio for this link speed. */ int ind = upperBound(linkSpeeds, data.linkSpeed); if(ind == 0) ind++; if(ind == linkSpeeds.length) ind--; ratio = linkRatios[ind - 1] + (linkRatios[ind] - linkRatios[ind - 1]) / (linkSpeeds[ind] - linkSpeeds[ind - 1]) * (data.linkSpeed - linkSpeeds[ind - 1]); } return Math.max(0, coeffs.wifiHighPower() + ratio * data.uplinkRate); } throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected power state"); } public double getThreeGPower(ThreegData data) { if(!data.threegOn) { return 0; } else { switch(data.powerState) { case Threeg.POWER_STATE_IDLE: return coeffs.threegIdlePower(data.oper); case Threeg.POWER_STATE_FACH: return coeffs.threegFachPower(data.oper); case Threeg.POWER_STATE_DCH: return coeffs.threegDchPower(data.oper); } } return 0; } public double getSensorPower(SensorData data) { double result = 0; double[] powerUse = coeffs.sensorPower(); for(int i = 0; i < Sensors.MAX_SENSORS; i++) { result += data.onTime[i] * powerUse[i]; } return result; } /* Returns the largest index y such that if x were inserted into A (which * should already be sorted) at y then A would remain sorted. */ protected static int upperBound(double[] A, double x) { int lo = 0; int hi = A.length; while(lo < hi) { int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; if(A[mid] <= x) { lo = mid + 1; } else { hi = mid; } } return lo; } }